My background in interior design and habitual visits to websites like pintrest and tumblr finally inspired me to make this dining room pattern. I was originally going to draw just the ceiling lamp, but I decided that completing a room would make it more interesting.
You have probably seen ceiling lamps such as the ones in my pattern, but here is a real lamp that has a similar style. It definitely has a retro feel to it.
Pendant No.6822 by Quorum |
I am a big fan of mid-century modern design, and the colors I chose for this mini quilt have that reference. You could safely say my favorite color combination is red and teal. I envisioned this pattern to be used for a small wall hanging or a pillow cover, but I can also imagine it being inserted into a bigger quilt. I might decide to make another pattern of an interior space in the future. Please let me know if you have an idea of a room that you would like to transform to a quilt pattern!